CBD Puroil Night Relief: A Cancheck Review
CBD has become one of the most popular natural ways to aid sleep problems in recent years. But why? CBD has been known to help target the root cause of our sleep issues such as anxiety, depression & physical pain by lowering our cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. Cortisol levels are typically higher in the […]
CBD Puroil Rescue Relief: A Cancheck Review
With oils being the most popular CBD item in a heavily saturated market, we only want to bring you the best there is. Today it’s CBD Puroils Rescue Relief with Turmeric and Black pepper. Here’s what CBD Puroil says about their brand… ‘At CBD Puroil we work with passion to ensure our CBD oil products […]
How to Take CBD: A Beginner’s Guide to CBD Use
Choosing a product and deciding how to take CBD can be a complicated task. Because it is so versatile, you can consume it in several different ways. Let’s take a close look at each method so you can decide how to use yours. You can take CBD by: Placing it under your tongue Swallowing and […]
Free Cannabis Eligibility Consultations at Sapphire Medical Clinics
Despite the legalisation of medical cannabis in the UK in 2018, accessing the products can be a journey full of confusing barriers and restrictions. In a still relatively new area of formal medicine, medical cannabis remains far from widely available in the UK. However, with the number of medical cannabis clinics, slowly but surely, on […]
CBD Vs Epilepsy
In the Summer of 2018, the then-Home-Secretary Sajid Javid granted a license for medical cannabis to six-year-old Alfie Dingley. Having suffered from a rare form of Epilepsy from a young age, Alfie’s parents discovered that cannabis was the most effective treatment for Alfie. It has been found that cannabis compounds – most commonly CBD and […]