CBD Puroil Night Relief: A Cancheck Review


CBD has become one of the most popular natural ways to aid sleep problems in recent years. But why?

CBD has been known to help target the root cause of our sleep issues such as anxiety, depression & physical pain by lowering our cortisol (the stress hormone) levels. Cortisol levels are typically higher in the mornings but they can actually still be present come the evening resulting in us not actually falling to sleep very easily or having a restless night.

I, myself am not a great sleeper so trialing an oil targeted for sleep has truly been put to the test.

Puroil Night Relief contains 1000mg of CBD, camomile, and passionflower.

‘The passionflower contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, a chemical that acts on specific parts of the brain to reduce activity and make people feel relaxed and calm. Similar to passionflower, camomile has long been associated with improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety by acting as a mild sedative when the compound alpha-pinene interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain.

Both soothing plants, the combination of passionflower and camomile in our Night Relief CBD oil makes it ideal for those who need a little gentle help to switch off and sleep at night.


The first thing I noticed was the taste of this oil, it’s herby with an almost rosemary note to it which was extremely pleasant and not at all bitter. As with Puroils Rescue Relief (which we reviewed last week) the night relief oil CBD uses MCT (coconut) oil as the carrier which to us, improves the taste and not only that but it also means all of those delightful cannabinoids and herbs are absorbed into our bodies quickly.

Puroil has a wide range of oils targeted specifically at a variety of ailments or just simply to help focus retailing from £44.95 – £124.95 for a range of strengths.

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