Project Twenty21 explains price rise following the end of initial study period

Project Twenty21 explains price rise following the end of initial study period

The medical cannabis registry has found itself in a storm of “disappointed” current and potential patients after it announced a 40% increase in pricing. Project Twenty21, which aims to aid patients in accessing to medical cannabis while simultaneously gathering valuable evidence of its efficacy, announced a change in their pricing for this year after a […]

Student ambassadors assemble to end stigma around medical cannabis

As Freshers’ Week is fast approaching, the UK’s leading drug policy charity has launched a campaign to raise awareness about medical cannabis among students. According to Drug Science, the organisation that launched the ground-breaking observational medical cannabis study, Project Twenty21 to improve access to medical cannabis for patients across the UK, they asked student ambassadors […]

Cannabis Might Improve Quality of Life By Over 50%

Researchers announced that early data shows cannabis use can help patients suffering from severe conditions to live a normal life. According to the organisers at Project Twenty21, this ground-breaking medical cannabis patient study, more than 900 patients have received medical cannabis for a prescription. Using the EQ-5D-5L rating, which is basically the standard to quantify […]