Could medical cannabis products be useful for treating Chronic Migraines?

Research into the potential of cannabis and its derivatives as a medical treatment has been on the rise in recent years as demand for alternative therapies pushes to the forefront. We commonly hear about the use of cannabis-based products for the treatment of conditions like epilepsy and chronic pain – but could medical cannabis be […]
The history of medical cannabis use for headache conditions

Cannabis is thought to have been cultivated by humans for a number of uses for around 12,000 years. Evidence, including archaeological finds and historic texts, tell us that the plant has been used medicinally for almost 4,000 years, at least! While current evidence assessing the potential of cannabis for headache conditions is lacking, historians have […]
First Clinical Trial Looks at Cannabis As Potential Treatment For Migraine

The first “placebo-controlled” trial to find out whether THC and CBD are effective in treating severe migraine symptoms is now underway. Medical experts at UC San Diego are reportedly conducting the “first known randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial looking at cannabis as a potentially effective treatment for acute migraines.” According to the announcement, the trial […]