Another blow to the psychedelic industry’s attempts to use LSD for therapeutic purposes

The plans to test LSD in anxiety patients in a clinical study have been stopped in their tracks as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has halted the process for unclear reasons. According to Reuters, the US FDA has put a clinical hold on Mind Medicine Inc’s application to start testing psychedelic drugs, such […]
‘Microdosing’ of psychedelics on the rise during the pandemic

More people have been ‘microdosing’ psychedelic drugs to improve their wellness and mental health during the pandemic, according to a recent survey. Microdosing refers to the practice of taking tiny doses of a drug – usually psychedelics such as psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and LSD. The Global Drug Survey, an independent research company based in London, […]
Would you wear your psychedelics? It could be a possibility soon

Work is underway on a small device that could be a game-changer for those in need of psychedelics to treat their health conditions. According to a ground-breaking report by Vice, scientists are working on a pharmaceutical device that would provide future psychedelics patients with the recommended dosage of psychedelics, such as DMT and LSD, for […]
The new wave of research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelics

Experts in the medical field and members of the public are increasingly beginning to pay attention to the medicinal and therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT. In fact, research into the potential uses of psychedelics is at an all-time high as the demand for alternative treatment options increases. A small […]
Donald Trump’s apparent distant relative opens Berlin’s first LSD shop

Due to a legal loophole, a German businessman Carl Philip Trump was able to open Berlin’s very first LSD shop where he sells LSD analogue. According to Vice, the shop has been open since March and the shop is offering an LSD analogue called 1CP-LSD, a “research chemical,” which is yet to be banned in […]