North Dakota: Another US State Headed for Cannabis Legalisation?

North Dakota Another US State Headed for Cannabis Legalisation

North Dakota’s House of Representatives has become the latest to approve a measure for cannabis reforms in the USA. If enacted into law, the bill would introduce a legal recreational cannabis market and legal use for over 21’s. However, critics point out that the bill would make for the strictest medical cannabis legislation in the […]

South Dakota Judge Overturns Voter Decision to Legalise Cannabis

South Dakota Judge Overturns Voter Decision to Legalise Cannabis

The USA’s November elections introduced one of the most memorable steps forward for cannabis reforms in the country as five more states opted to legalise the drug. However, a Circuit Judge in the state of South Dakota has overturned the voter initiative to legalise recreational cannabis. In a ruling that claimed the proposed legislation change […]

A Year On from Australian Capital Territory Cannabis Legalisation

A Year On from Australian Capital Territory Cannabis Legalisation

One year ago (January 31, 2020), the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Legislative Authority passed a bill legalising the personal possession, use, and cultivation of cannabis. The ACT (made up of Canberra and the surrounding area) became the first region in Australia to legalise the drug. Following the announcement, the ACT government received some backlash from […]