Can You Use CBD Products For Weight Loss?

Using CBD for weight loss

If you’ve been dealing with weight loss issues, then you know how difficult it can get. You also know that any shortcut methods that you may have picked off over the internet can be a huge waste of your time and money. At worst, they may even cause you a trip to the hospital.

Considering the challenge that many of us face when trying to lose weight, any effective boost that could help us out is definitely welcome. A growing collection of anecdotal evidence and CBD weight loss stories are supporting the use of CBD products to assist in the achievement of your ideal weight.

But what exactly is CBD?

Understanding CBD and Its Relation to Weight Loss

CBD is just one of the hundreds of cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis plant. A more popular cannabinoid is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This causes the high effect that one usually associates with the use of cannabis. On the other hand, cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t cause a high and is mostly obtained from the hemp plant.

Our bodies naturally produce cannabinoids – known as endocannabinoids – which form part of the endocannabinoid system. This system has been found to play a significant role in appetite control, food intake, and energy balance. In addition, the endocannabinoid system also contributes to the regulation of our metabolism. Through the manipulation of this system with the addition of CBD, we may be able to encourage a more active and efficient metabolism.

But how does this affect your weight? A heightened metabolism means that you can burn off more fat since your body will require more energy. Which makes CBD weight loss an exciting prospect.

Secondly, if you’re currently on a training program, CBD products could help soothe muscle pain, allowing faster recovery times. This is because CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. The quicker you can recover, the faster you can get back to your training! A large number of athletes and sportspeople have endorsed the use of CBD products, including pro golfer Bubba Watson and World Cup winner Megan Rapinhoe.

Another aspect of using CBD for weight loss relates to its effects concerning depression. Depression is a leading cause of weight gain – though it is important to stress that not everyone who is overweight is suffering from depression. However, mental health problems can significantly affect our relationship with food and make it difficult for us to lose weight.

Exercise is often recommended by doctors for people suffering from depression. This is because of the feel-good hormones that are released when we work out. These hormones help us to feel more uplifted and alleviate the symptoms of depression.

As well as helping with exercise, CBD has also been found to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. In addition to regulating our metabolism, the endocannabinoid also plays a role in modulating our mood. Through this system, CBD can also help you reduce feelings of anxiety, giving a boost in spirit, and getting you out of the vicious cycle of depression and food consumption.

That being said, let’s now take a closer look at how CBD weight loss products can help you achieve your ideal body weight.

How CBD Could Help You to Lose Weight

THC is the compound in Cannabis Sativa L. that causes a ‘high’. It’s also known to boost appetite, causing you to want to consume more food – hence the term that has become synonymous with cannabis users: ‘the munchies’.

CBD, on the other hand, has been found to work in an inverse fashion by suppressing your appetite, causing you to eat less and lose weight. This is because your body turns to its fat reserves as a source of energy.

How To Use CBD Products For Weight Loss

Note that the body has two types of fat cells. These are white fat cells and brown or beige fat cells. The body uses the former as a store of energy. However, the body will turn to the brown fat cells as a source of energy during exercise or when the body is burning calories. CBD oil helps turn more of the white fat cells into brown fat cells. This means that the body is going to burn off more fat cells. Consequently, this helps you burn fat faster, thus lose weight much quicker.

CBD then, is a good option for a lot of people looking to support weight loss as well as experience other health benefits of CBD. With the breakdown of fat cells via fat browning, CBD and weight loss actually go quite well together.

How to Use CBD Products

CBD Oils for Weight Loss

CBD oil potentially has plenty of uses and health benefits, but how do you use CBD oil?

If you’re just starting to use CBD products, it’s important that you talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to evaluate your current body and health condition and advise you accordingly as per the right dosage.

Secondly, it’s important that you start off slow. This means taking a small dose for the recommended duration to allow your body to get used to it. You can then make increments as your body adapts to the new products. That said, it’s equally important to note that you should not make increments on a daily basis; sufficient time is needed for the body to adapt.

Lastly, remember that it’ll take several weeks to months for you to notice any positive effects. If you get to this point, note that you shouldn’t assume that a higher dose will give you better results. Maintain your current dosage unless advised by a doctor.

CBD Weight Loss Sprays

CBD weight loss sprays work in a similar way to CBD oil in that they’ll impact your endocannabinoid system and aid fat loss and help boost metabolic rate. It’s important when looking into CBD weight loss sprays that you ensure you see the full list of ingredients in the product. And as with CBD Oil, ensure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

CBD Capsules for Weight Loss

Some products use CBD and combine it with natural fat-burning ingredients to aid weight loss. These have varying success and it can often depend on which other ingredients are present in the product.

As with CBD Oil and CBD weight loss sprays, you should check the supplement facts panel on these products to ensure there’s nothing chemical or illegal present. Sticking to studied and recognised natural ingredients is always a good idea.

The doses of these capsules vary. But try and choose something that’s manageable and fits in with your day to day routines. They’re a little easier to supplement than oils, so can be a good alternative for some people. Check below for our recommended CBD weight loss product.

Final Words

CBD oil has plenty of benefits, one of which is to aid in weight loss. Note that it’s crucial to start slow and increase the dosage as per the recommendations of your doctor.

CBD may help you lose weight on its own, however, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, the properties that CBD products can impact should provide great aid to any weight loss you undergo.

CBD Weight Loss Supplements

Some supplements exist like ShredCBD, which offer users the benefits of CBD, alongside some more conventional fat burning ingredients. In this case you see green tea, and garcinia cambogia. Both studied for their effects on reducing body fat and CBD related weight loss.

In addition, with every order of ShredCBD, you will receive a nutrition and exercise guide, ensuring that you have the highest chance of success when exploring the possibility of using CBD extracts for weight loss!

You can check ShredCBD out for yourself here.

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