Hamilton Street Cold Brew CBD Coffee Review

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Since Cannabidiol (CBD) was declared a safe product by the World Health Organisation, companies have been lining up to create their own CBD-infused products. Among the gummy bears, chocolates and flavoured drinks, Hamilton Street gives us more of a sophisticated feel with their Cold Brew Coffee.

CBD and coffee? It sounds counter-active, right? Yet, CBD coffee shops have been popping up all over the country, serving hot lattes with an injection of the Cannabis derivative. We started out with a little healthy speculation, too, but it didn’t take long to understand how CBD and caffeine can work together.


Hamilton Street Cold Brew Coffee, 250ml (10mg CBD).

Hamilton Street’s Cold Brew coffee is vegan friendly, gluten free, sugar free and fat free, and only 6 calories per bottle.


We opened our Cold Brew CBD coffees on a warm day, in need of some refreshment, and that is what we got. The coffee makes for easy drinking, and a simple way to get your dose of CBD.

However, the drink could benefit from more of a coffee kick. Although the coffee is identifiable, and the taste is pleasant, a stronger concentration the vanilla-flavoured coffee, would improve the drink immensely.

Having said this, Hamilton Street have done a great job of minimising the “CBD taste”. Often compared to the taste of a forest, the earthy, grassy taste which usually comes with CBD oils – and is often carried through to finished edible products – is not the most pleasant.

Hamilton Street use water-soluble CBD in their coffee, which they say is tasteless. So, we were glad to discover that the taste had been masked effectively, making for an enjoyable drink.


Like many, we too were sceptical about mixing caffeine with CBD. After all, they are supposed to have the opposite effect: Caffeine alerting you; and CBD calming you. However, the CBD coffee industry is booming, so surely there is something to the seemingly strange combo?

We found, as others have before us, that the two substances can actually work together quite effectively. Although subtle, a feeling of calm focus was reported a while after drinking the coffee. It seems that the caffeine had managed to give us a kick of alertness. However, there was a definite lack “coffee jitters”, which could be down to the calming effects of the CBD.


Hamilton Street’s Cold Brew Coffee is delivered in simple, attractive bottles, with a golden screw cap. The bottles have a certain vintage look, and sophisticated feel, to them.

Price Point – £4.50 per 250ml bottle

Available at: www.hamiltonstreetcoldbrew.com


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