Dead Mans Fingers Hemp Rum: A Cancheck Review


We collectively love a drink here at Cancheck and Spicy Rum may be a particular favourite for a few of us. Dead Mans Fingers kindly sent us their Hemp Rum to try and review and boy, were we excited.

Here’s what they say about their Hemp Rum

“We’ve taken our classic Caribbean rum with its exotic spices and ingeniously infused it with natural hemp and CBD. As you’d expect there are district grassy herbal back-notes supported by a hint of cola, roasted waves of freshly percolated coffee, hops and a dash of pine. It’s all very delicious, a little bit grown-up, and a lot unexpected.”

First thoughts – you can spot Dead Mans Fingers branding a mile off and we LOVE it. It’s grungy and cool and the bottles for each individual flavour has an epic colour scheme. I don’t want to say I buy things just for the packaging alone, BUT… I do buy things for the packaging alone and I think their rum would fit my ‘nice bottle’ criteria.


The spiced rum biz was born from The Rum & Crab Shack in St Ives, Cornwall. Famous for their seafood and anything-but-traditional Caribbean Island affair when it comes to branding rum.

Let’s move onto taste, shall we…

Did I pour myself a gigantic tumbler of pure rum with ice? Yes, yes I did. But that is not as wild as it sounds. Not a liquor but pleasantly sweet, still with that earthy grown-up taste.

Our Cocktail recommendation…

– 50ml Hemp rum
– 100ml Pineapple Juice
– 50 ml Coconut Cream
– Lime Wedge
– Ice

Pop all your ingredients into a cocktail shaker or blender with a little ice until mixed well. Pour over more ice and place another lime wedge on top. Enjoy!

Alternatively, if you’re not feeling so quite so bougie, you could just mix with regular coke and add a dash of lime. It’s just as good, trust me!

We get to review a lot of CBD/Hemp products here and we know that everybody notices the effects of them all so differently. What may work for one may not work for another. No one person’s experience mimics another. We do know one thing for sure though, we had a top night’s sleep and no hangover.

Say what you will but to us, that’s a solid win!

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