CBD Oil – Overcoming the Stigma


There has been huge market growth and heavy news coverage surrounding cannabidiol (CBD) oil over the last few years. But despite this, there is still a huge amount of controversy and misunderstanding feeding the CBD stigma. This is largely due to the distribution of incorrect and misleading information.

So, how do we overcome the stigma around CBD oil? We aim to debunk some of the myths and clarify the grey areas.

CBD and Hemp oil are legal in the UK

CBD and hemp oil are both extracted from a Cannabis plant. Cannabidiol is present in all strains od Cannabis, and is the second most prevalent compound, behind THC. CBD can be extracted from any kind of Cannabis plant.

In comparison, Hemp oil is produced exclusively from the hemp plant. In the UK, this is described as a Cannabis plant that contains less than 0.2% THC. This is also known as Industrial Hemp. CBD oil can also be extracted from Industrial Hemp.

The oils derived from these EU-approved strains of cannabis are legal in the UK and many other countries around the world, so long as they contain THC levels of less than 0.2%. The difference between CBD and Hemp oil lies in the part of the plant they are extracted from, and the amount of CBD contained within the oil.

CBD oil is available to everyone

CBD oil and products can be bought online and in health shops throughout the UK. However, the strength and effectiveness of some of the CBD products on the market may be questionable.

This is down to a lack of regulations on the relatively new industry. However, the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis has recently announced the launch of their venture, the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry. This new cannabinoid association will work with its members to ensure they reach the high standards required to create an effective and trustworthy industry,

Dosing guides are also available to help new CBD users find their ‘optimal’ CBD dosage.

CBD does not get you high

The association of CBD with marijuana, which is often illegally smoked recreationally to induce the feeling of being ‘high’, has proven to be problematic for CBD oil’s reputation.

The THC levels in CBD oil are much too low to create a psychoactive effect. Although CBD oil does not get you high, many people report a feeling of general relaxation and grounding – hence why the ingredient is believed to be an effective treatment for anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

The difference between Cannabis oil and CBD oil

One of the main factors guiding the stigma around CBD products is its confusion with Cannabis Oil. But what is the difference?

The answer can be complicated, but as a rule, CBD oils contain only trace levels of THC. The official law relating to the production of CBD oil states that any product must not contain more than a maximum of 1mg of THC (no matter how big the container is). This rule has drawn criticism for being unclear and ineffective.

In comparison, products known as Cannabis oils may contain higher levels of THC, making them illegal in the UK and many other European countries.

In the UK and much of Europe, Cannabis plants must have levels of 0.2% THC or less in order to be distributed and consumed legally.

You do not have to smoke CBD

CBD and the products containing them can come in many forms. From oil and creams to lozenges, tablets, and teas. A lot of health-conscious people do not like the idea of smoking anything – so this is good news.

CBD oil is an extremely versatile product, as it can be taken in many forms, including those listed above.

Are you eligible for medical cannabis?

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