CBD Coffee Drinks by Calm Beverages – A Cancheck Review

Calm beverages CBD coffee review

Here at Cancheck, we’re always ready for the next cup of coffee, and when that coffee is infused with CBD… all the better! We’ve been sampling some more CBD-infused goodies! On the menu this time? A few CBD coffee products courtesy of Calm Beverages… Calm Beverages is a UK-based company that aims to offer a […]

Top Beverages CBD Spirits – Masala Vodka Review

Top Beverages CBD Spirits - Masala Vodka Review

UK luxury drinks start-up Top Beverages recently announced the release of their new ‘spice collection’, featuring three new CBD spirits. The spicy trio joins the company’s ‘classic collection’ and ‘signature collection’. To celebrate Top’s growing selection of uniquely flavoured spirits, we decided to sample their CBD Masala Vodka.  Like all of Top Beverages‘ spirits, their […]

CBD Chocolate and Gummies by Paso – A Cancheck Review

CBD chocolate and gummies Paso

Despite all the amazing potential of cannabidiol (CBD) it can sometimes be hard to get around that distinctive grassy taste of the product. This can be troubling for businesses looking to incorporate CBD into sweet treats like chocolate and gummies. So, when we find products that actually do this well, we get excited! Paso CBD […]

Hello CBD’s Fruity Soft Drinks: A Cancheck Review

HelloCBD Fruit Drinks

When incorporating Cannabidiol (CBD) into edible products, many company’s in the past have fallen at the first hurdle. Some products inevitably mirror the grassy, bitter, and often unpleasant taste of the Cannabis extract. But that wasn’t the case with Hello CBD’s selection of fruity CBD drinks… So, when we find a product that delivers a […]

Hamilton Street Cold Brew CBD Coffee Review

hamilton street review angle

Since Cannabidiol (CBD) was declared a safe product by the World Health Organisation, companies have been lining up to create their own CBD-infused products. Among the gummy bears, chocolates and flavoured drinks, Hamilton Street gives us more of a sophisticated feel with their Cold Brew Coffee. CBD and coffee? It sounds counter-active, right? Yet, CBD […]