Cannabis Wellness Company Aims to Open 100 High Street Stores

Cannabis Wellness Store Aims to Open 100 High Street Stores

The owners of Goodbody Wellness, a Cannabis Wellness store in Bath, has revealed an ambition to open up to 100 stores across Britain. Geremy Thomas, founder of Sativa, predicts that Cannabis Health stores will soon be a common fixture of British high streets.

The original Goodbody store opened in Bath at the end of June and has recently been followed by a second store located in Cirencester. A third store, in Bristol, is awaiting its opening in the near future.

Thomas hopes to be a the forefront of the wellness sector of the growing UK CBD industry. The CBD market is set to be worth up to £1billion by 2025.

Thomas said that the three stores mark the beginning of “a major high street journey”:

“I feel very confident that you will see this as a feature of the high street.”


Source: Goodbody Wellness

Sativa Group PLC, a stock market-listed medicinal Cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) company, was founded at the end of 2017 and is made up of George Botanicals, and PhytoVista.

The Goodbody Wellness stores stock over 50 CBD and Hemp products, including tinctures, oils, and creams. The stores also stock CBD-infused coffees and teas.

Geremy Thomas has said that after the opening od the three pilot stores, the Company will “roll-out a national franchise network”.

CBD is growing acclaim as a potential treatment for a myriad of ailments and conditions. From inflammatory conditions such as eczema and arthritis to emotional conditions such as stress and anxiety, users are claiming to see benefits.

Despite the ongoing closures of high street stores, Sativa Group and Goodbody Wellness founders believe that stores can still succeed.

Chris Jones, Managing Director of Goodbody Wellness, said:

“Retail is not dead. It is ripe for the right product. You just need to give people a reason to come to a store and we feel we can do that.”

One of the factors that set Goodbody Wellness apart from other high street stores is its dedication to providing an experience. Sativa claimed that customers’ feedback described the Bath store “format is exactly what they wanted”.


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